Medical College,

Government Medical College Amritsar
  • Government Medical College Amritsar
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Government Medical College AmritsarGovernment Medical College Amritsar
Government Medical College Amritsar


Government Medical College Amritsar

Government Medical College, Amritsar traces its foundation as a Medical School in Lahore in 1864. It was later relocated to Amritsar in 1920. The college has a cherished history and has earned for itself a place of pride in the field of medical education and patient care in the region. Over the years the school has emerged as a nursery of medical teachers and trained physicians who have fanned out in the country and abroad to serve as key participants in private as well as public healthcare.

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Message from Director-Principal

Government Medical College, Amritsar is celebrating a hundred years of its existence. The college has an unenviable history of producing some of the best physicians, researchers, and healthcare professionals in the country. we have always striven to promote professionalism and a deep-rooted sense of ethics in our students. Alumni of the college have attained success and have been instrumental in establishing or running various eminent institutes in India as well as countries across the globe.

The institute boast of one of the largest campuses in India replete with older building that co-exist with modern facilities. Students in the campus have adequate hostel facilities, a state-of-art student centre and sprawling playgrounds. The students are encouraged to develop a holistic attitude towards their way of living. Our endeavour has always been to prepare students to accept the challenges of tomorrow.

The attached Guru Nanak Dev Hospital Complex houses various disciplines and super specialities to provide tertiary level patient care and gives the students opportunities to gain clinical skills.

We are affiliated with the Baba Farid University of Health Sciences and have an annual intake of 250 MBBS students and speciality degrees (MD/MS) in all disciplines. Regular nursing, paramedical and vocational courses provide training for personnel required for a skilled workforce.

In keeping with its mission – Government Medical College, Amritsar makes a constant effort to provide the best tertiary care and play a pivotal role in training and inculcating a spirit of research & learning.

We believe that by ensuring better healthcare services for present and future generations, we contribute to building a brighter world together. My congratulations on 100-year celebration and I wish all the best for the next century and beyond…

Dr. Rajiv Devgan (Director Principal)

Mission Statement

Government Medical College, Amritsar functions as a regional centre of excellence in provision of secondary and tertiary medical care services in addition to playing its rightful role in enhancing knowledge, facilitating comprehension of emerging scientific and technological concepts, upgrading professional / laboratory skills and inculcating an aptitude of research and enquiry.


Notice of Online Interview for ICMR-NIN Project-Diet & Biomarker Survey in India - DABS-I

Public Notice for Auction of Trees


A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Alumni and Guests

It is with a sense of deep appreciation and achievement that we extend our heartfelt thanks to our alumni and guests who were a part of our Centennial Celebrations. Your presence and participation have been the cornerstone of this memorable event and reiterates the camaraderie and enduring spirit of our institution.

In the tradition of our rich history, we now embark on a journey toward new frontiers. This is not merely a transition into another era, but a continuous pursuit of knowledge, understanding, and betterment.

The coming times promise new revelations and achievements, and we will share these moments and milestones with you through upcoming announcements.

Centennial Souvenir


Government Medical College
Circular Road, Amritsar 143001 India

+91 (988) 899 8147 (9.00am to 5.00pm)
+91 (183) 242 6918

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